Starring Your Hostess with the Mostess...

PMS Goosechecka


• PMS Minx ~ Division Member

PMS Ovaryacting Minx

I've been a gamer since 1987 when my mom bought me a Nintendo, I was then 3. I've always been known as a gamer to all I've been close to.

I was introduced to Halo through an ex boyfriend, as he always made fun of me since I sucked. I fell in love with Halo when Halo 3:ODST came out and my boyfriend had the urge to get it. I took it over and haven't looked back since.

I currently reside in Central FL. I was born in NYC and I've also lived in California. I currently work a full time job at a timeshare resort.

I always like to better my skills. Currently I am obsessed with Super Street Fighter 4 and currently are trying to start up the fighters division, while participating in the PMS Clan Xbox 360 Modern Warfare 2 Division.

• PMS Ovaryacting ~ Practice Manager

PMS Ovaryacting

I've been a long time gamer, it all started when my grandfather bought be the Super Nintendo. A few of my high school buddies played Halo, and I would pick up a controller and get dominated.

However after I graduated I paid 30 bucks for and Xbox and Halo 2 ~ never played online just lan ~ as soon as I started getting good and whooping ass, Halo 3 launched. I bought a 360 and the rest is history.

I'm a very competitive player, love playing MLG with my PMS ladies, and attending MLG Dallas 2009 under PMS Clan Halo 3 Division sponsorship with Team Epsilon.

I was Born and Raised on the coast of Texas where hurricanes exist in full force. I am a college student working on my bachelors in Teaching Literature. On my free time I promote local and national bands, and work as a Substitute teacher in the school year.

I love Bungie <3