Topographical Overview

Blackout Layout with Weapons & Equipment


1. Snipe 1

Other Names: n/a


2. Snipe Two

Other Names: n/a

3. Snipe Three

Other Names: n/a


3a. Snipe Ramp

Other Names: n/a


4. Elbow

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket The “L” shaped walkway that connects Bottom Red and S1.

5. Top Red Lift

Other Names: Top Red

Photobucket Located across of the map from Library, this building has a Red Lift (Also marked by red painted lines) that carries you to its 2nd level and serves as a primary spawn point at the start of the map. On Top Red, the gray area outside of the lift near Top Mid is referred to as Red Platform (Red Plat)

5a. Bottom Red Lift

Other Names: Bottom Red

Photobucket Located across of the map from Library, this building has a Red Lift (Also marked by red painted lines) that carries you to its 2nd level and serves as a primary spawn point at the start of the map. On Top Red, the gray area outside of the lift near Top Mid is referred to as Red Platform (Red Plat)

6. Red Platform/Shotty Underneath

Other Names: : Red Plat, Front Red

Photobucket The Gray area with 1 BR in front of Top Red – this is located directly above Shotgun spawn. The Shotgun Spawn is only accessible from Bottom Mid or Bottom Red, this small hallway is a death trap if you camp.

7. Top Middle

Other Names: Top Mid

Photobucket The square figure in the middle of the map that connects BR Tower, Library, Sniper and Red Lift is known as Mid. The 2nd level of Mid is known as Top Mid and the lower level is referred to as Bottom Mid. Bottom Mid has a hole in the ground that drops you on top of Shottie spawn and leads to Bottom Red.

8. Bottom Middle

Other Names:Bottom Mid

Photobucket The square figure in the middle of the map that connects BR Tower, Library, Sniper and Red Lift is known as Mid. The 2nd level of Mid is known as Top Mid and the lower level is referred to as Bottom Mid. Bottom Mid has a hole in the ground that drops you on top of Shottie spawn and leads to Bottom Red.

9. Sword Spawn

Other Names: Sword

Photobucket Located directly below Library this confined area is home for the sword and connects to BR 1 as well as lower mid.

10. Library

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket Library is a primary spawn point at the start of the game, located across from the Red Lift and is home to 2 plasma grenades and a hole in the center of the room that leads to sword spawn

11. Battle Rifle One

Other Names: BR1

Photoshop BR Tower is the tallest tower on the map and is made of 3 levels with yellow painted lines on the outside. This tower can be accessed by the connector (Back BR) from Library, the BR Ramp that runs along the entire building, from top mid/lower mid and from Sword Room.

12. Battle Rifle Two

Other Names: BR2

Photobucket BR Tower is the tallest tower on the map and is made of 3 levels with yellow painted lines on the outside. This tower can be accessed by the connector (Back BR) from Library, the BR Ramp that runs along the entire building, from top mid/lower mid and from Sword Room.

13. Battle Rifle Three

Other Names:BR3

Photobucket BR Tower is the tallest tower on the map and is made of 3 levels with yellow painted lines on the outside. This tower can be accessed by the connector (Back BR) from Library, the BR Ramp that runs along the entire building, from top mid/lower mid and from Sword Room.

14. Battle Rifle Ramp

Other Names: BR Ramp

Photobucket BR Tower is the tallest tower on the map and is made of 3 levels with yellow painted lines on the outside. This tower can be accessed by the connector (Back BR) from Library, the BR Ramp that runs along the entire building, from top mid/lower mid and from Sword Room.

15. Battle Rifle Elbow

Other Names: BR Elbow, Library Elbow

Photobucket BR Tower is the tallest tower on the map and is made of 3 levels with yellow painted lines on the outside. This tower can be accessed by the connector (Back BR) from Library, the BR Ramp that runs along the entire building, from top mid/lower mid and from Sword Room.
