Topographical Overview

Epitaph Layout with Weapons & Equipment


PhotobucketSet in the middle of a vast sand dune, Epitaph is seen as a massive cathedral like structure rising high to the sky, reaching to the Halo Heavens.

PhotobucketWith it’s interior structure similar to that of great European Cathedrals, it’s thought to be a former Forerunner structure from ages ago, possibly a tomb or a cathedral paying homage. While at first glance one may think the structure is symmetrical, it is anything but.

PhotobucketLooking at the overhead view and outside views of Epitaph, one can see that with it’s exterior ramps and internal hiding places, Epitaph is a map not easier discerned.

PhotobucketThis map is great for slayer, team slayer, swat and oddball, and can be found in matchmaking more often with the variant Epilogue. The differences being only a few changes in the weaponry provided for game play.

PhotobucketEpitaph offers great opportunity to surprise your opponent with it’s many halls and corridors, offering a variety of jumps which will throw off any adversary trying to chase you down.

PhotobucketEpitaph is laid out in the shape of a cross. Two wings extend out past the main corridor. The point at which they meet is the crossing or “the court”.

PhotobucketEpitaph, like many of Bungie’s maps, has a light side and a dark side.

PhotobucketIf we are to compare this map to a Cathedral, then we shall label accordingly the Nave, the Court, and the Choir.

PhotobucketThe area with the Forerunner Structure is the Choir, containing a Gold Gravity lift that will take a player to the second level platform. The choir contains two levels. Top Choir, and bottom choir.

PhotobucketThe area opposite this possesses a similar gold gravity lift, however this one will take the player to the Center of the crossing, on a platform containing the rocket launcher.

PhotobucketThe trancepts cross the nave and choir structure in the middle, and contain elevated structures which can only be assimiliated to flying buttresses, which internally we’ll call ribs.


1. The “Court”

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket The court is the center of the nave, and choir, and the two halls that extend out from it in either direction on light side and dark side. This is the meeting place, the central heart of the map. During games such as king of the hill or slayer, you’ll often find many players passing through.

2. The Center “Court”

Other Names: n/a

Center court consists of Two areas, Top Court and Bottom Court.

3.The Top Court

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket Top court is a platform, floating above, on which rests the rocket launcher. Careful that you are the player, or your team, that possesses the rocket launcher when standing on the platform, as it will sway to the shot of a rocket, knocking you off to your opponents below. The top Court can be accessed via the Gold Nave Lift, or by the Runways on either side of Light Court and Dark Court.

4. The Bottom Court

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket The Bottom Court is the very heart, the center, of Epitaph. Ground level below the Rockets platform, Bottom Court houses a fierce weapon, the Gravity Hammer. This area is very dangerous, as it can be seen from anywhere on the interior of the map, and any player standing within it can easily be picked off with a grenade, or long range weapon.

5. Dark Side Court

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket Dark side of the Epitaph Court, having two Ribs, great columns that attach to the building and extend to the exterior, and two doorways. Against the first rib on the bottom backside you’ll find the Covenant Carbine. There is One Runway in Dark side Court, taking the player to the only doorway on Darkside Nave, and to Darkside Choir walkway.

6. Light Side Court

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket Light Side of Epitaph Court, having two “Ribs”, great columns that attach to the building and extend to the exterior, and two doorways. Against the First “rib” on the bottom backside you’ll find the battle rifle. There is one Runway in Lightside Court, taking the player to the only doorway on Lightside Nave, and lightside choir walkway. Not only will this runway connect the various sides of the map without making the player walk on the bottom court, but it will also allow the player access to the Rockets platform. This Runway in the court is the connection between both the Choir and Nave on Epitaph.

7. The Choir

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket The Choir is designated by the relic Forerunner statue looming above it. This area of the map contains several halls and doorways, and a center battle arena. These areas are named as to where they are located.
Top Choir (second level of the choir)
Bottom Choir (first level of the choir)

8. Top Choir Platform

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket Choir Platform is located directly in front of the Choir Top Gold lift, on Top Choir. When a player takes the Choir Gold Lift to the Platform, you’ll immediately see the bubble shield on the floor in front of you. On either side of Choir Gold Lift are two alcoves. You can drop down these to the Bottom Choir if an enemy is coming your way.

9. Light Choir Runway

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket If you’re standing facing the Center Court of the map on Top Choir Platform, to your left will be the Light Side of the map. Here you’ll find three doorways, all without Shield doors, as the Lightside of the map does not contain shield doors. Door One of Light Choir Runway: This doorway is closest to the Gold lift and houses one weapon, the Plasma Rifle. Continuing on, you’ll follow this runway down to the LIght Choir Ramp, and then on to the Lower LIght Court, passing the Active Camouflage along the way. Door Two of Light Choir Runway: This leads to the Light Side Walkway, then passes to the Light Side Court Platform. As you enter doorway number two you’ll see the Brute Shot. Door three of Light Choir Runway: This doorway is another avenue to take to escape your enemies, as it takes you to the same area as doorway two, and is the furthest door available on this runway.

10. Dark Choir Runway

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket Dark Choir Runway is located on the second level of the choir, and is on the right side of Gold Choir Lift Platform if you are standing facing the Center court. This area contains three doorways, with shield doors. Door One of Dark Choir Runway: Door one is the closest to the Choir lift, and contains one weapon as you pass through it, the Plasma Rifle. Door Two of Dark Choir Runway: Second doorway, and leads to the Dark Side Top Walkway. Door Three of Dark Choir Runway: also, as doorway two, leads to the Dark Side Top Walkway. Also contains an exploding Barrel as you pass by it, so make sure not to get caught by your opponent or they can easily kill you with one shot to the barrel!

11. Bottom Choir

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket The Bottom Choir contains an open area for gameplay, multiple columns, doorways, aisles, and the base of the Gold lift. At the base of the Gold lift, you’ll find Two Spike Grenades and Two Fragmentation Grenades. On either side of the bottom area of the Choir, there are aisles, under the top choir runways. These areas are a great way to fool your opponent, as you pass back and forth between them, shielding yourself from gunfire. There are two sides to this area; the Bottom Choir Light Side Aisle, which contains one doorway--no shield door--leading to the Bottom Choir Ramp. Here you’ll find One Power-Up, the active Camoflage, and the Bottom Choir Darkside Aisle, which contains one doorway--with shield door--leading to the Dark Side Bottom Court. This aisle also leads to the back of Choir Lift.

12. The “Nave”

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket The Nave is located on the opposite area of the map from the Choir, the bottom of the cross shape that is Epitaph. Here you have the Top Nave and the Bottom Nave, with weapons, runways, and aisles similar to that of the Choir. In front of the gold lift is the top nave platform. Here you’ll find one weapon, the Needler. This area is usually a passthrough area from light side doorways to dark side doorways, as this Nave gold lift will elevate a player to the Rockets Platform. On wither side of the Nave there are runways. These runways lead the players to the outside walkways of the map, on both lightside and dark side. Bottom Nave Gold Lift is a force of nature. This lift will catapolt a player from this end of the map, to the Central court landing on the Rockets Platform. In front of the Gold lift at its base you’ll find two weapons, fragmentation grenades. Hiden from view, and unknown to amateaur players, Back gold lift is a great place to hide from your opponents, whether you’re attempting a sneak attack, or allowing your shields to recharge. Here you’ll find One Equipment, the Power drain. You can also jump from back gold lift to the Top Nave Platform if you carefully jump at it’s sides. This area also leads to the Dark side Nave Runway and the Light Side Nave Aisles.

13. Top Nave Light Side Runway

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket Take the inside runway on the light side to the outside walkway leads you through the unshielded light side door to the outside walkways of Epitaph. There is only one doorway on this side of the upper runway as well.

14. Top Nave Dark Side Runway

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket Taking the inside runway to the outside walkway leads you through a shield door. There is only one door on this upper Runway. Here you’ll find a mauler as well.

15. Nave Aisles

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket Photobucket If you’re standing in front of the Nave gold lift, you’ll see the aisles on either side of the playing nave playing arena. Hidden areas behind columns, there is a light side and a dark side, again, differentiated by the the shielded and unsheilded doors. Passing through lightside nave aisle, the player will find the smg. passing through the darkside nave aisle, the player will not only find the spiker, but also a valuable tool in anyones arsenal, the overshield.
