Topographical Overview

Foundry Layout with Weapons & Equipment


1. A-Base

Other Names:A-Side Spawn, Yellow Base

Photobucket This is the starting spawn point for one of the two teams. It is called “A Base” and “Yellow Base” because of the yellow signs indicating the A side of the map. Although each base are the initial spawn points for both team, it is a bad idea to stay back and camp in these areas alone because you can be cornered very easily since there is only one way out.

2. B-Base

Other Names: B-Side Spawn, Red Base

This is the starting spawn point for one of the two teams. It is called “B Base” and “Red Base” because of the red signs indicating the B side of the map. Although each base are the initial spawn points for both team, it is a bad idea to stay back and camp in these areas alone because you can be cornered very easily since there is only one way out.

3. Power Drain

Other Names: Mid Stage

Photobucket This platform is right on the middle of the map, and is the first point where the two teams can meet after the initial spawn. On this platform is a Power Drain; the first available advantageous item on the map after spawning in either base.

4. A-Sign

Other Names: A-Side Stickies, A-Stairs, A-Ramp

Photobucket This is the most prominent way to tell if you are on A-Side of the map. In front of this indicator sign are two plasma grenades and a Spiker. This is the fastest route to pass when going from A-Base to either A-Side Sniper Rifle or the back of the map.

5. B-Sign

Other Names: B-Side Stickies, B-Stairs, B-Ramp

Photobucket This is the most prominent way to tell if you are on the B-Side of the map. In front of this indicator sign are two plasma grenades and a Spiker. This is the fastest route to pass when going from B-Base to either B-Side Sniper Rifle or the back of the map.

6. A-Snipe

Other Names: Back A Corner

Photobucket This is where one of the two snipers on the map spawns. It is called “A-Snipe” because it is located on the A-Side of the map and is the primary sniper for the team that spawns on A side. This is a very important area of the map to control because one of the most powerful weapons spawns in this area.

7. B-Snipe

Other Names: Back B Corner

Photobucket This is where one of the two snipers on the map spawns. It is called “B-Snipe” because it is located on the B-Side of the map and is the primary sniper for the team that spawns on B side. This is a very important area of the map to control because one of the most powerful weapons spawns in this area.

8. Top A-Snipe

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket This is the area above where the A-Side Snipe spawns. This is a great area to sit with the Sniper Rifle because you are high on the map and can see most of B-Base. This is vital because you can then see if the other team is spawning in B Base which you can then call out to the rest of your team.

9. Top B-Snipe

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket This is the area above where the B-Side Snipe spawns. This is a great area to sit with the Sniper Rifle because you are high on the map which gives you the advantage over other players.

10. A-Side Pit

Other Names: A-Side Fence, A-Fence

Photobucket This is a good place to sit if you are watching for people spawning in A-Base. When standing here you can also look through the fence in the middle of the map to see if anyone is sitting in B-Side Pit.

11. B-Side Pit

Other Names: B-Side Fence, B-Fence

Photobucket This is a good place to sit if you are watching for people spawning in B-Base. When standing here you can also look through the fence in the middle of the map to see if anyone is sitting in A-Side Pit. However, be careful as there are fusion coils sitting in the middle of B-Side Pit which will explode if they are shot.

12. Truck

Other Names: Car, Semi

Photobucket This truck is between A-Snipe and A-Pit. It is used to jump up to Top A-Snipe which also has a path to rocket tunnel. This truck can also be used as cover if you are being rushed from A-Pit or from B-Side Snipe.

13. Rockets

Other Names: Rocket Tunnel, Rocket Hall

Photobucket This is the home to what is possibly the most power weapon on the map. This weapon is places at the back of the base right in the middle of both snipers. There is a Portable Gravity Lift below rockets which you can use to launch you up to Rocket tunnel, or there are two bridges coming from both Top A-snipe and top B-Snipe. Many players also like to sit on top of rocket tunnel with a Sniper Rifle since it is the highest point on the map.
