Topographical Overview

Highground Layout with Weapons & Equipment



Other Names:Hanger

Photobucket An open area where the mongoose and ghost spawn. This is one of the primary spawns when you first start the game.

2. Computer Room

Other Names: Flag Room

A room with three openings, where the flag spawns and you arm the bomb. This is a vulnerable spot there is no where to take cover.

3. Back Bridge

Other Names: Small Bridge

Photobucket One way to get from the computer room to the pipe room. A very short bridge.

4. Laser Tower

Other Names: Laser Spawn

Photobucket Where the laser spawns. A vulnerable position yet the highest area, you have a great view of the entire map.

5.Turret Bridge

Other Names: Base Bridge

Photobucket Where the turret is located, right above the gate. A walk way from laser tower to camo cave.

6. Gate

Other Names: Main Gate, Main Door

Photobucket Located right below turret, Depending on the game type the gate may be closed or open. If the gate is closed there is a lever or switch that opens the gate (you can not close the gate once it is open)

7. Pipe Room

Other Names: Tunnel Room

Photobucket A small room with a pipe inside which can give you easy but slow access outside of the base.

8. Bottom Base

Other Names:Under Laser

Photobucket Right below the laser tower, the bottom base has many ways to enter. There are fusion coils placed inside the base so beware.


Other Names: n/a

Photobucket The Bunker has windows and multiple entrances. Usually the bunker is where a majority of the fighting takes place. The bunker has a flat surface above it

10. Grave Lift Cave

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket A cave where the “grav lift” is located. An open cave with no cover

11.Camo Cave

Other Names: Invis Cave

Photobucket A cave in which “camo” or “invis” spawns.

12. Rocket Spawn

Other Names: : n/a

Photobucket A broken wall located out in the open, the rockets spawn here. Everyone tries to rush this area in the beginning of the game, rockets being one of the primary power weapons.

13. Sniper Cave

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket A cave in which the sniper spawns, usually the most “popular” caves on high ground. Sniper is considered one of the “power weapons”.

14. Beach

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket An open area where the beach, also one of the primary spawns in the beginning of the game. The Ghost and mongoose spawn in this area as well.

15. OS Spawn

Other Names: Cliff Side, Mountain Path

Photobucket An elevated area which is higher than most the “OS” spawns in this area and is considered one of the “power weapons”. Also, one of the primary spawns in the beginning of the game.
